Chimney inspections can prevent additional damage and detect problems with chimneys throughout the westchester area incluiding New York,Putman Valley.
An annual chimney inspection is as important as an annual chimney cleaning, if not more so. We offer professional chimney inspections on three different levels, as described further below. In New York, Chimney Needs USA Inc is the chimney sweep company people have trusted with their fireplaces, wood stoves,factory-built fireplaces, furnaces, and all other combustion heating systems for going on 10 years.
Breakdowns in the chimney system are not always apparent, and many homeowners make the mistake of thinking an unused fireplace is problem-free. One of the most dangerous situations is when homeowners have not used their fireplace for years and assume that it’s ready to use. The fact is that deterioration of the chimney could have occurred since the last usage, or there
could be blockage in the system. These unseen issues could cause a house fire or could expose the household to deadly
carbon monoxide poisoning. Many of the serious, sometimes fatal, house fires which occur in the U.S. every year involve the use of a neglected fireplace for the first time in a long while.
Repair Damage As Soon As Possible
It’s always important to repair a damaged chimney as soon as possible, to avoid a potential house fire. Sometimes the only way to know that Chimney repair is needed is with a chimney inspection. The task of inspecting a chimney is different from cleaning it because the focus of the work is not the same. It’s a good idea to have a chimney inspected first, actually, because the chimney sweep may find that a chimney cleaning isn’t needed quite yet. Even when home a owner homeowner very rarely uses a well maintained fireplace and then only burns seasoned wood an inspection is still recommended to confirm that the chimney has not undergone any type of damage since the last chimney inspection
A Level 1 Chimney Inspection is needed if the following conditions
The chimney performance hasn’t noticeably changed.
The appliance and venting system has not changed.
You simply need to be assured of the continued safe use of the
chimney and fireplace, wood stove, or other heating system.
Level 1 chimney inspections should be performed annually and are
best scheduled at the same time as a chimney cleaning. The chimney inspection technician will examine the readily accessible interior and exterior parts of the chimney and chimney connection.
A Level 2 Chimney Inspection is needed if one or more of the following conditions apply:
You recently purchased your home, and you are not familiar with the
performance of the chimney.
You plan to make modifications to your chimney or heating system.
There was recently a fire in the chimney.
A Level 2 chimney inspection, in addition to including everything
covered in Level 1, involves an in-depth inspection of the entire
chimney system, along with the wood stove, furnace, or other
appliance. All internal joints and surfaces will be looked at. A
special video camera is used to take a close look at the inside of
the flue and chimney, top to bottom.
Level 3 Chimney Inspections, which are very rare, involve
everything in the first two levels plus the full investigation of
potential deterioration in areas which are not readily accessible.
Components of the heating system may need to be removed, such as bricks, metal flue pipes, masonry, chimney crowns, interior
walls of the chimney, and more. A Level 3 inspection is required
only when Level 1 and 2 inspections reveal a serious problem that
requires immediate action
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